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4 Ways to Keep Your Pet Entertained When You’re Stuck Indoors

 4 Ways to Keep Your Pet Entertained When Youre Stuck IndoorsWinter is here...That means not only you but your pets too might be under lockdown. It’s natural that you think that winters aren’t safe enough to let your furry friends out.

But you’ll have to think of some entertaining reasons for them to stay in. Otherwise, they’ll try to claw their way out the door as soon as they take a power nap. As we all know that cats and dogs love their liberty and they enjoy socializing in the neighborhood.

So what should you do?

You are left with two options. You can either invite your neighborhood pets over for company or planning interesting activities for them to do with you.  Since having pet parties can’t be made into a daily occurrence, you should probably give them some company.

Here are a few wonderful ways to keep them inside without imprisoning them:

The Doggy Day Care: What Games Can Your Dog Play Inside?

1. The Treasure Hunt

Don’t you find it amusing when sniffing dogs accompany the detective during a drug raid?

Well, you can recreate the thrill by playing nosework games with your pawed pal. The activity involves your dog hunting down treats hidden all around the house. The basic command to use here is ‘find the treats’.

Sounds fun right? This game doesn’t require a lot besides some initial training session with your pet. Then once the pet has a basic idea on how to play, you can move onto challenging levels. Plus, you might even switch it up and change the treasure they are looking for. The best part is that it boosts your canine’s sense of smell and keeps it alert.

Pro tip: Be generous in encouraging the pet during the game!

2. The Taskmaster

Do you know why dogs are considered to be man’s best friend?  Besides the fact that they are loyal to the boot, they are also super smart.  Therefore, rainy days are a great opportunity to let them learn a few new tricks.

This can include teaching it:

  • The names of basic household items
  • How to ring a bell when it needs to go outside
  • Jump through hoops and leap over hurdles

The Catty Club: What Games Can Your Cat Play Inside?

1. The Visuals

Like you, cats get bored with the dull gloomy views of winter landscapes. Plus, a lack of twittering birds in the area can be a big reason for the discontentment. One way to counter this is by bringing the outside views inside.

How can you do that? Well, just download some fun cat-centric tablet games on your digital device. This visual activity will keep them engaged as they play with a moving fish, or try to catch the mice running on the screen.

2. The Classic

Every cat lover knows that these curious creatures are easily entertained with household items. This is especially true if you have a ball of yarn at hand. This stringy toy can be the source of endless joy for your clawed friend.

You can use it to:

  • Play fetch
  • Teach it to chase a stringed toy
  • Tease it with hanging toy

Lastly, all your pets really need is a bit of love and attention from their owners. So be sure to spend some quality time with them when you’re off work. And as far as entertaining them is concerned, you can see that these cute creatures aren’t that fussy.

Is your pet feeling a bit under the weather?

Contact the Cliffdale Animal Hospital for the best veterinary care available in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

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Cliffdale Animal Hospital
6416 Brookstone Lane
Fayetteville, NC 28314 



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